Stanislaus county court online The Court encourages people to take advantage of the free mediation services being offered at the Stanislaus County Mediation Center by calling (209) 236-1577 or clicking on the button below to visit their web site for further information. 00), your Court date will be extended by 90 days to allow you time to complete traffic school, and your new “due by” date will be either 90 days out from your hearing date if ordered in Court, or 90 days out from the day you opted to take Traffic School with the Court. Online Payment. Attorney Aivazov: $300 per hour. Records are subject to payment of a fee (see Fee Guidelines (PDF)) and subdivision (e)(4) of Rule 10. Employment FAQs; Reduction-In-Force; Interpreter Information; Judicial Assignments; Judicial Mentor Program; Local Rules & Fee and Bail Schedules Community outreach and education are essential to the Stanislaus Superior Court. Box 1003 Modesto, CA 95353. If custody or visitation is an issue, the parents will be assigned a hearing date to appear in Court. 5 days ago · This page will be updated daily, excluding weekends or holidays, by 12:00 p. EACH LOCAL The Superior Court of California, County of Stanislaus, offers free Self-Help Services through the Self-Help Center, the Family Law Facilitator's Office, and Virtual Workshops. O. Make use of the diversity of tools to quickly complete the blanks and provide the requested data in Jan 1, 2025 · Specialty Court 10: Saul Garcia: Criminal - Misdemeanor: 11: Alan K. They include the City-County Committee, the Airport Advisory Committee, the Commission on Aging, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG), the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (Air Board) and the Tuolumne River Regional Park District. Mailing Address PO Box 3288 Modesto, CA 95353 County Sites Of Interest. Hackett Rd. Please refer to the Civil Forms page for your ADR packet of information. Oct 28 Remote appearances in Juvenile proceedings are governed by both local court rules, the California Rules of Court, Rule 3. You may also want to visit the Stanislaus County Law Library or the Superior Court's Self-Help Center for additional information and forms. Employment FAQs; Reduction-In-Force; Interpreter Information; Judicial Assignments; Judicial Mentor Program; Local Rules & Fee and Bail Schedules Fact: 95% of lawsuits settle out of court, without a trial. Summary: Response to recent legislation that changed the statutory procedure for claiming succession to real property by raising the maximum value of the property claimed to $750,000 and limiting the application of the procedure to succession to a decedent’s Superior Court of California, County of Stanislaus Case Portal In county and out of county residents must complete the orientation. An appointment is necessary for a marriage license. Early Court Closure - Dec 24, 2024. Jan 1, 2025 · Proposal to revise Judicial Council of California Forms DE-310 and DE-315. Stanislaus County Sheriff's Office 250 E. Schedule a remote appearance for a case with the Court. Jan 7, 2025 · Stanislaus County Superior Court Establishes New Civil Mediation Program. 1308 and its Local Rules of Court, as to civil cases only. Juvenile Court hearings and records are confidential, and may only be attended by those persons who are parties, social workers, attorneys or others who have an official role in the case. P: (209) 491-8762 F: (209) 491-8766 civilfax@stansheriff. Please contact the Court first if you wish to sign up for traffic school. Juvenile records are retained by the Court for approximately 20 years after a minor reaches age 18. After completing the orientation, please fill out this worksheet before your court date. The Stanislaus County Public Defender is an active participant in Stanislaus County’s Homeless Court which began earlier this year. 500 (a) and 10. August 20, 2024 Announcing the Passing of Judge Nancy Leo. 1 OR 830. The Superior Court of California, County of Stanislaus, Local Rules, Guardianships. 5 hours assuming no hearing, and there was no opposition. EACH LOCAL Superior Court of California, County of Stanislaus Case Portal Apr 2, 2012 · The Court considers the prevailing rates in Stanislaus County and sets the hourly rates as follows: Attorneys Saeedian and Ostoia: $600 per hour. In addition to forms approved by the State Judicial Council, the Stanislaus County Superior Court has approved a variety of forms, some of which are fillable. Phone tree: Option 1 The Superior Court California, County of Stanislaus 800 11th Street, Room 220 Modesto, California Email: Self. , Modesto, CA 95348 Contact: Sheriff's Department Contacts For Emergencies call 911 WEBSITE DESIGN BY GRANICUS - Connecting People and Government Questions regarding fees, forms or status of orders should be directed to the Probate Unit of The Superior Court of California, County of Stanislaus Clerk's Office at 209-530-3100 (option 6/option 4) between the hours of 8:15 a. For additional information or assistance with collecting or enforcing child support, please contact the Stanislaus County Department of Child Support Services at (866)901-3212. - 3:00 p. Marriage may be solemnized by any priest, minister, or rabbi of any religious denomination, a judge or retired judge, commissioner or retired commissioner, or assistant commissioner of a court of record, a judge or magistrate who has resigned from office, or by a person authorized to do so under Family Jun 5, 2024 · The Court's MyCitations feature is live at https://mycitations. Stanislaus County Sheriff's Office - 250 E. Stanislaus County Bar Association (209) 571-5727 California Rural Legal Assistance (209) 577-3811. Progressive Employment. Find essential links for court docket searches, court record retrieval, and more. Superior Court of California, County of Stanislaus will not be liable for any loss or damage relating to unauthorized access to your personal information on our system. Proceedings in the Superior Court of Stanislaus County (“Court”) are governed by the California Rules of Court as supplemented by these Local Rules (also referred to as “Rules”). Modesto, CA. m. Superior Court of California, County of Stanislaus Case Portal Prepare and File Your Legal Document Online In partnership with the California Judicial Council, Law Help Interactive, and Tyler Guide & File we are pleased to provide you with the links below to begin preparing your own legal documents online. Access your recent scheduling, payment Sep 10, 2024 · Family Access case records for Stanislaus County Superior Courts - access online court records for Family case records, get updates, download documents and more. If the Court hears your case, you may not receive a decision from the Court for 90 days. The Stanislaus Superior Court offers electronic filing of your documents. There are several types of probate proceedings that may be carried out by the Court on small and large estates. Attorney Urner: $475 per hour. The Court is accepting petitions at Windows #10 and #11 in the Family Law lobby at 1100 I St in Modesto. Local Forms:. Help@StanCt. Sandhu Begins Term as Presiding Judge of the Superior Court of Stanislaus County Read more. If you submitted a request and are waiting for contact, send an email to: judicialoutreach@jud. Settling small claims or reaching a compromise in family court got a little easier with Stanislaus County Superior Court's launch of Modria, a new online dispute resolution platform. The Homeless Court is an alternative to the traditional criminal justice court system. California EPA Customer Service Survey; Court Forms; Human Resources. Next, you will be directed to Law Help Interactive (LHI) or Tyler Guide & File, which are web-based programs that use a guided interview to help you Stanislaus County is part of the first cohort of counties who is implementing the CARE Court program, starting October 1, 2023. Each county is required by law to impanel a body of members to serve for a term of one year. Remember, the sooner you submit the request, the better. " Please include your account number on the check or money order. Marriage may be solemnized by any priest, minister, or rabbi of any religious denomination, a judge or retired judge, commissioner or retired commissioner, or assistant commissioner of a court of record, a judge or magistrate who has resigned from office, or by a person authorized to do so under Family Revenue Recovery participates annually in the California Franchise Tax Board Income Tax Refund Intercept Program. First Impressions Program; History of Stanislaus County Superior Court; Judges in the Classroom; Leadership Academy; Speakers Bureau; Fiscal Services; Government Claims Forms; Human Resources. and 5:00 p. Employment FAQs; Reduction-In-Force; Interpreter Superior Courts; UC Cooperative Extension; Online Services. Here you will find contact information, directions, job information, ADA information and more. Please call for more information. Cassidy: Family Law - Supervising Family Law Judge: 12: Linda A. For each appearance the fee is $28. Court Hours & Holidays. org * *For the most effective assistance by email, please provide your full name, telephone number and case number (if you have one), along with a brief description of your problem. 815, the fee to appear by telephone is equivalent to the cost for the court to provide the service. Online Case Records and Traffic Payments: Click the link below to search public case information, make a traffic payment, justice partner access, and attorney of record access. Nov 6, 2023 · The Stanislaus County Superior Court Traffic Division handles all traffic citation cases for violations that occur within Stanislaus County limits in California. Payments may also be made online, in the office, or over the phone. Access Court Services Online The Superior Court of California, County of Stanislaus provides many online resources to meet your needs. Forms are also available by mail at P. Employment FAQs; Reduction-In-Force; Interpreter Information; Judicial Assignments; Judicial Mentor Program; Local Rules & Fee and Bail Schedules Dec 9, 2024 · Court Title: In the Circuit Court of Stanislaus County, California. Program Certification; Judge Sonny S. 10th Street Place; Assisted Outpatient Treatment; CARE Program; Economic Development; Emergency Preparedness; Employee Mentor Program; Friends Are Good Medicine; HIPAA Information; Job Opportunities; Municipal Advisory Councils (MACs) StanAware - Emergency Notifications; StanCERA; Stanislaus Council of Governments Stanislaus County Superior Court-Criminal Division 800 11th Street, Modesto, CA 95354 Phone: (209) 530-3100. May 13, 2023 · Understanding the Stanislaus County Superior Court. Filter cases further by date of filing, jurisdiction, case type, party type, party representation, and more. It’s Fast - Mediation can be scheduled within a few days and the results are immediate. State law prohibits Court staff from providing legal advice, including which forms to use or how to complete the forms. org *For the most effective assistance by email, please provide your full name, telephone number and case number (if you have one), along with a brief description of your problem. Employment FAQs; Reduction-In-Force; Interpreter Search History of Stanislaus County Superior Court Stanislaus Court History In 1854, Stanislaus County …The February 27, 1874 issue of Stanislaus Weekly News tells how she lost her scales of justice 6 months after she had … It’s Free - There is no cost to residents or businesses in Stanislaus County. Nov 25, 2024 Early Court Closure - Dec 24, 2024 Stanislaus County is proud to be home to an ever-increasing number of philanthropic organizations. It’s Private - Everything said in mediation is confidential. Sandhu began his two-year term as Presiding Judge on January 1, 2025. Media Release August 01, 2024 Community outreach and education are essential to the Stanislaus Superior Court. The Stanislaus County District Attorney's Office Crimes Against Children (CAC) unit prosecutes felony and misdemeanor crimes of child abuse including sexual molest, physical abuse, neglect and homicide. To begin the process, select an authorized e-filing provider from the e-filing portal. Users can search for records by subject name, business name, case number, case type, and filing date. 672, and Welfare and Institutions Code section 679. The first portion of these presentations will give you a brief introduction to the court process involved in the filing of your paperwork and familiarize you with some basic legal terminology. Read more. Hackett Road, Modesto, California 95358. From its historical roots to its modern technological offerings, the court is dedicated to providing fair and accessible legal services. For more information, please see: Summary of Changes - 2024. In response to the COVID-19 state of emergency and to provide access to the Court under shelter in place orders, Stanislaus Superior Court, Family Law Division is implementing “Virtual Court” via remote video technology for contested hearings by stipulation of the parties. Stanislaus County civil court records can also be obtained online using the Superior Court Public Portal. You now have direct access to your own Personal, Benefits, Payroll and Training information. Jan 1, 2017 · Plan Your Marriage Ceremony Who Can Perform a Marriage Ceremony? Family Code Section §400. When requesting a Trial By Written Declaration, Defendants are required to post bail in advance by check, cashiers check, charge, or in person. If you have any questions, please call Revenue Recovery at (209) 525-4450 ESL, non-traditional learning settings, and clubs are encouraged to connect with their local court. Haga clic aquí para leer esto en Español. History of Stanislaus County Superior Court; Fiscal Services; Government Claims Forms; Human Resources. It offers various payment options, including in-person at the clerk's office, through a drop box, by mail, or online. Stanislaus County - Revenue Recovery P. The service will only provide text notifications for Stanislaus County Superior Court cases. CASA of Stanislaus County Website; CASA of Stanislaus County Online Video ; Hearings and Filing Information. Please make your selection from the list of services below. gov Property Tax Division Mission Statement. Employment FAQs; Reduction-In-Force; Interpreter Information; Judicial Assignments; Judicial Mentor Program; Local Rules & Fee and Bail Schedules Fee: $5. EACH LOCAL Stanislaus County Needs Applicants for Redistricting Committee 02/16/21 Stanislaus County Seeks EDA Funding for Crows Landing Project 02/11/21 State of the County Address March 2nd 02/05/21 District Attorney Releases Information 01/27/21 Stanislaus County Public Health announces the opening of its fourth COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic in Patterson 01 Jan 1, 2017 · Plan Your Marriage Ceremony Who Can Perform a Marriage Ceremony? Family Code Section §400. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Friday Court Trials will be set as follows: Jan 1, 2013 · Once the Court receives your payment (full bail and $52. Please come to court prepared: Dress appropriately, shirts and shoes must be worn. Please make the check or money order payable to "Stanislaus County - Revenue Recovery. By establishing and maintaining strong ties to the community and promoting knowledge and understanding about our judicial system, the court is better able to fulfill its mission of administering justice in a way that is both accessible and understandable to the public. You can fill out Court papers yourself (they have to be typed) and contact the Stanislaus County Family Law Facilitator to review documents prior to submitting them to the Clerk. An individual may petition the Court for a copy of their own juvenile court records at any time during that 20-year retention period. to 4:00 p. Court Fax: 209-530-3100. If you need legal advice, you should consult an attorney or conduct your own legal research. The Stanislaus County Law Library is located at 1101 13th Street, Modesto, California. These agencies contact the biological parents. as needed. Apply. Everyone has conflicts. Stanislaus is one of the first seven counties to implement the CARE Act. 11, when a judicial holiday specified by Code of Civil Procedure, Section 135 falls on Sunday, the courts shall observe the holiday on the following Monday. Parking Administrative Hearing Appe als are filed at the Stanislaus County Superior Court Traffic Division 2260 Floyd Avenue Modesto, CA 95355 (209) 530-3100. To legally change a name, or add, or change a parent on a birth record requires a court order. To access the updated Judicial Assignments, visit Judicial Assignments | Superior Court of California | County of Stanislaus Court Hours & Holidays. 00 per page after first four pages. Office Hours 8:00 a. Small Claims Appeals are filed at the Stanislaus County Superior Court, Turlock Small Claims Division located at: 300 Starr Avenue, Turlock, CA. Employment FAQs; Reduction-In-Force; Interpreter Superior Court of California, County of Stanislaus Case Portal Apr 2, 2012 · The Court considers the prevailing rates in Stanislaus County and sets the hourly rates as follows: Attorneys Saeedian and Ostoia: $600 per hour. Mayfield Regional Animal Services Facility 3647 Cornucopia Way Modesto, CA 95358. When a judicial holiday specified by Code of Civil Procedure, Section 135 falls on a Saturday, the courts shall observe the holiday on the Usually this is done by the Stanislaus County Community Services Agency (for stepparent adoptions) or by the adopting agency. If you wish to make your traffic payment online click on the button below. The California Rules of Court are not printed as part of the Stanislaus County Local Rules, but are considered incorporated within them. Schedule an appointment Superior Court’s Self-Help Center at 800 11th Street, Room 220, Modesto, CA Family Law Clerk's Office at 1100 I Street, Modesto, CA during regular business hours. Superior Courts in Stanislaus County To legally change a name, or add, or change a parent on a birth record requires a court order. Filings may be submitted in person, by mail or by fax. Employment FAQs; Reduction-In-Force; Interpreter Welcome to Stanislaus VCourt. Conflict. As the elected District Attorney I am proud of my dedicated prosecutors, investigators and support staff who work hard every day in order to ensure that Stanislaus County is a safe place in which to live. If their consent is not given to the adoption their parental rights must be terminated by court order via noticed hearing for the adoption to proceed. The District Attorney is responsible for the prosecution of all criminal cases filed in Stanislaus County Superior Court. 500. Modeled after the Los Angeles Municipal Court’s award-winning program of the same name, efforts are focused primarily on students who are from neighborhoods in Stanislaus County where negative impressions about the justice system are often developed early in life. Resources for the Stanislaus County Superior Court - Modesto Central as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Stanislaus County, California, and resources applicable to all courts in California. The service will notify you of designated events up to four (4) days in advance. Marriage License Process. 501. Below are locations in Stanislaus County: Stanislaus County Department Child Support Services 251 E Hackett Rd, Modesto CA; Stanislaus County Public Safety Center 200 E Hackett Rd, Modesto CA; Stanislaus County REACT Center 194 E Hackett Rd, Modesto CA; Stanislaus County AWP Office 801 11th Street Ste 3100, Modesto CA Divorce records are maintained at Stanislaus County Superior Court; What We Offer. Phone: 209-530-3100, option 6, then option 3. Contact. Click on the Self-Help topics below for more information. Please see the attached media release for more information. Take advantage of the functionality of the multi-featured online editor while filling out your Petition For Change Of Name - Stanislaus County Superior Court - Courts State Me. gov/atp. Revenue Recovery participates annually in the California Franchise Tax Board Income Tax Refund Intercept Program. If the father is willing to sign an Acknowledgment of Paternity, no court order is required. Civil Courts (Departments 21-24) 801 10th Street, 4th & 6th Floors Modesto CA 95354 State Forms: Most forms used at court are state forms and are on the State Judicial Council website linked above. Are a resident of Stanislaus County; Speak and understand the English language; Are not the subject of a conservatorship; Are not a peace officer (As defined by penal code sections 830. Jan 7, 2025 · Judge Sonny S. General Juvenile criminal and traffic matters are handled at this site. This online system is an optional way to request a reduction for your infraction citation in cases of financial need. If a party has a fee waiver on file for the case in which the hearing is scheduled, the telephonic appearance fee is waived. The Assessment Meeting. Welcome to The Superior Court of California, County of Stanislaus general information page. Our easy-to-follow material makes passing traffic school a complete cakewalk (99. Select an option below to continue. The Court has adopted a tentative ruling procedure pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 3. Modesto, CA 95355. Welcome to The Superior Court of California, County of Stanislaus Portal. Property Access case records for Stanislaus County Superior Courts - access online court records for Property case records, get updates, download documents and more. Unlike most criminal courts, they are run in a collaborative manner, which means that the judge, district attorney, public defender and probation officer all work closely together to assess your needs and develop a treatment plan designed to help you turn your life around. Online Traffic Ticket Payment The California Grand Jury is unique in its function and selection process compared to other juries. Nov 25, 2024 Early Court Closure - Dec 24, 2024 Judge Sonny S. Research Request The Court does not confirm personal or case information about a party's identity over the phone or by email unless there is a Court business need to do so to assist a party with their case Minors, emancipated minors included, cannot be licensed to marry in California without a parent's written consent and a Superior Court Order. To obtain Crime/Incident reports you can come in person to the Stanislaus County Sheriffs Operations Center, 250 E. Participants interact with their peers and community leaders during full-day sessions to learn firsthand about emerging community issues and increase their awareness of local career opportunities so that they return to Stanislaus County for work after attending a Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 10. Stanislaus County Traffic Court, located in Modesto, California, handles traffic-related cases within the county. Nov 28, 2024 · Court Hours & Holidays. Department 20. Use of Personal Information We do not collect any personal information unless you voluntarily provide it by sending us e-mail, participating in a survey, or completing an on Mar 25, 2024 · The Court has implemented several changes in Judicial Assignments and Departments this year. Jan 24, 2025 · Media Policy of the Superior Court of California, County of Stanislaus Television cameras, video cameras and/or camera operators, still photographers, media reporters or any combination thereof shall not block corridors, block access to any court or hearing room, block the entrance or exits to and from the courthouse, block stairwells or Request and Order for Court Reporter's Transcript in Juvenile Court Proceedings: Download: JV-005: Claim for Guardian Ad Litem Fees and Order - Juvenile Dependency: Download: JV-007: Petition to Examine Confidential or Sealed Records: Download: JV-180: Request to Change Court Order Packet (Packet) Download: JV-285: Relative Information (Packet Stanislaus County Law Library located at 1101 13th Street, Modesto, CA. Online Services - Pay Now Please have your statement ready and reference the account or packet number found on your statement. The County Clerk-Recorder is the officer charged with keeping and preserving complete and accurate records relating to real and personal property, vital statistics and other legal and administrative documents. courts. Below is a directory of court locations in Stanislaus County. Before commencing a civil action a party should thoroughly read the California Rules of Court, Civil Rules, Civil Code of Procedures and the Local Rules of the Stanislaus County Superior Court: Civil Cases. 5. Box 1098, Modesto, CA 95353-1098. Dependency (WIC §300) Proceedings in Dependency court may be conducted in whole or in part through remote technology at the discretion of the Judicial Officer for all Allow two (2) days for your payment to process when paying online; Please Do NOT: Pay online if requesting a Court Trial or Trial by Written Declaration. Attorney Acosta: $350 per hour for all hours. 105(c), bail is required to be deposited if you elect to proceed with trial by written declaration without appearing in court (VC 40902) and/or written not guilty plea (VC40519(a-b)), or elect to pay bail and not contest the citation or appear in court (VC 40510 and 40521). 95355. Under rule of Court 4. Hackett Road, Animal Court Animal Court is held at: Thomas W. 9% of our students pass on their first try). Auto-Attendant Telephone System; Operating Hours; Courts and Community. This body is mandated to investigate and report on both criminal and civil matters within the county. AG Commissioner. Send cash through the mail or the Drop Box; Paying your Traffic Ticket Online Click on the button below to access Public Portal to pay your tickets online. Pursuant to California Rules of Court, Rule 1. Jan 7, 2025 · Court Hours & Holidays. Drug court offers an alternative to jail for defendants charged with certain drug offenses. The Superior Court of California, County of Stanislaus 800 11th Street, Room 220 Modesto, California Email: Self. EACH LOCAL Stanislaus County, California Public Records Directory - Quickly find public record sources in the largest human edited public record directory. The Superior Court of California, County of Stanislaus encourages the use of methods other than a trial to settle civil cases. Community volunteer groups like Operation 9-2-99, a local Tuolumne River cleanup effort, and our newly minted Stanislaus Arts demonstrate an emerging effort to preserve our community’s beauty and promote our local culture. Links for online court records and other free court resources are provided for each court, where available. ⚖️📄 Divorce records are maintained at Stanislaus County Superior Court; What We Offer. Employment FAQs; Reduction-In-Force; Interpreter You may request a staff court reporter to cover a law and motion hearing or a trial by calling the Supervising Court Reporter at (209) 530-3105 or by emailing civilreporters@stanct. Crimes Against Children. Circuit Court Location: 800 11th Street, Modesto, California 95354. Nov 25, 2024. Wills Lodged/Delivered to Court: Upon the death of a person, the decedent's will must be delivered to the Court for safekeeping. You can begin your case and file your documents from the comfort of your home. Stanislaus County Traffic Court (Department 20) 2260 Floyd Ave. For more information regarding fax filing requirements, please refer to: Automated Fax Filing System . DO NOT PAY ONLINE if requesting a Court Trial or Trial by Written Declaration. ca. McFadden. Superior Court of California, County of Stanislaus Case Portal Civil and Probate Division (Estates, Trusts and Conservatorships) 801 10th Street Modesto, CA 95354 For access to the California Courts online Self-Help Center for Libraries, Websites, Self-Help Legal Books and Judicial Council Forms in Spanish, click here. Hours are reduced by 5. To add a parent does not always need a court order. For further information, contact the Stanislaus County Court Clerk at 209-558-6000 or your legal advisor. The Stanislaus County Superior Court stands as a cornerstone of justice for the residents of Modesto and surrounding areas. Divorce records are maintained at Stanislaus County Superior Court; What We Offer. Clerk record of Stanislaus County. WELCOME TO THE STANISLAUS COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER OFFICE Donna Linder County Clerk-Recorder Recorded Documents Click "Keep Alive" to stay online, Crisis & Referral Haven Women’s Center of Stanislaus 24 Hour Line: 209-577-5980 Business Line: 209-524-4331 Stanislaus County Mental Health, Emergency Services The Clerk of the Court cannot provide confidential information over the phone. Sandhu Begins Term as Presiding Judge of the Superior Court of Stanislaus County. It is a party based system; therefore, by opting in, you will receive designated messages for all Stanislaus County Superior Court cases. Hearings are scheduled to begin promptly at 6:00 p. E-filing is available at th is division. . Jan 20, 2021 · Click Here to read this in Spanish. It cannot be used to sign up for traffic school. Stanislaus County Superior Court website. –4:00 p. ) Have not been convicted of a malfeasance in office; Are not required to register as a sex offender pursuant to penal code section 290; and The California Rules of Court are not printed as part of the Stanislaus County Local Rules, but are considered incorporated within them. Oct 28 Judge Sonny S. If you’re not sure which court you’re looking for, learn more about the California court system. Small Claims judgments, court ordered fines, restitution fines, probation costs, attorney fees, and delinquent unsecured taxes, are some of the types of eligible accounts that are subject to tax refund intercept. Stanislaus County Law Library at 1101 13th Street, Modesto, CA. 00 for the first four (4) pages, $1. Stanislaus County On-Line Forms. , Monday - Friday. Main Courthouse Which is the easiest Stanislaus County online traffic school? Best Online Traffic School is designed to make your traffic school experience as easy and painless as possible. To administer accurately and efficiently the billing, collection and reporting of property tax revenues levied as directed by California State Law and County Ordinances and assist the public with understanding property tax information in a prompt, efficient and courteous manner. com. Please consult an attorney, paralegal or do some research at your local law library before filing. are available on the Stanislaus Easily access Stanislaus County, CA court records including arrest warrants, criminal records, and probate documents. Online Court Resources. Civil Division 921 Oakdale Rd. Employment FAQs; Reduction-In-Force; Interpreter How to edit Petition For Change Of Name - Stanislaus County Superior Court - Courts State Me: customize forms online. Family law cases also may have a tentative ruling posted, but the parties are not required to give notice of intent to appear, or to request a hearing in advance, in order to preserve their Search online court records for free in Stanislaus County Superior Courts by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. 2 (A), (B), (C). The Court will make identifiable judicial administrative records available upon request, as consistent with Rule 10. Proposal is that the revisions take effect April 28, 2025. Dealing with a traffic ticket can be stressful, but understanding the traffic court process and your options can help you navigate this situation smoothly. PeopleSoft Self Service automates and simplifies the process of managing your information. The Stanislaus Superior Court Administration office hours are 8:00 a. org. Petitions can also be filed electronically . There are mandatory forms created by the Judicial Council which must be used by all parties and optional forms that may be used. Criminal - Arraignments You can seek the advice of a private attorney or paralegal, or contact the Stanislaus County Bar Association for a referral for help in obtaining a Court order. Oct 28 This single story structure is attached to the county's Juvenile Hall facility. Find property records, vital records, inmate and court records, professional and business licenses, contractor licenses and much more. Jan 7, 2025 · The Superior Court of Stanislaus County is pleased to announce that Judge Sonny S. Facts About Guardianship - online questions and answers posted by Legal Services Sep 6, 2024 · Probate Access case records for Stanislaus County Superior Courts - access online court records for Probate case records, get updates, download documents and more. The program brings youth, public and private organizations together to discuss and explore leadership in unique and innovative ways.
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